Maxic Solutions have been started for providing real time error solution and business development services (Inventory Control) in Chennai.  Already have  available lots of source in google for  web development tutorials such as w3 Schools, Stack Overflow (For solving doubts) Youtube, forums

In Beginning Stage every site Shows how to use syntax and examples

Begineers doesn’t know where to use these kind of stuff and all

Beginning at job stuck when see an error or incorrect usage of syntax.

We Classified Begineer’s to the following category


Type 1:
Some Person understands stuff quickly
Based on good Communication
Practice on Solving Problems
Logical Thinking

Some Person understands stuff Medium
Based on better Communication
Practice on Better Solving Problems
Logical Thinking

Type 3:
Some Person understands stuff slow
Background Problem
Language Dependency
Direct Solution found to eye doesn’t able to find out where is it?
Good in Programming but not able to explore
Don’t Know Where to learn these kind of stuff
Copy and Paste
Silly Logic Mistakes
Before entering web development tried ,but grow later

So We Concentrate on Type 3 Begineer. We first started   depth to basics


1.Text Based Tutorial

2.Video Based Tutorial both on English and Tamil

Currently Started First Text Based Tutorial after some time We start Video Based Tutorial

Maxic Solution guides new and important content only