Angular Universal on Youtube

Maxic Solutions Started angular universal tutorial on youtube and blog. Both tutorials on youtube and blog will help to understand easily in angular universal. This is first my voice-based tutorial of this channel.

What is Angular Universal?

Angular universal is a technique is used for server-side rendering. I explain the server-side rendering concept below. Angular Universal is a project organized by angular team members.

What is Server-Side Rendering?

I tell short description, it is understood easily, what is angular universal. javascript is a client-side language. Some people ask a question we are using angular, angular using a typescript?

Typescript has finally translated a javascript only in the production version of angular. Javascript cannot run on the server-side. If I want to run javascript on the server-side, we need to implement the server-side rendering using some server-based languages such as PHP, node js, Python, etc.

Why Server-side Rendering?

Server-side Rendering is used to render the full HTML page on the server

Terminologies of SSR and CSR

  • SSR: Server-Side Rendering – rendering a client-side or universal app to HTML on the server.
  • CSR: Client-Side Rendering – rendering an app in a browser, generally using the DOM.

Reference Link

Real Case Scenario of Server-Side Rendering

If Your Friend wants to share your website on Facebook.If you develop a web application on angular or react or javascript.Your Website not able to share on social media

Example Story for SSR

Characters: Jhon- Social Media Marketer, Jack -Developer

Jack developed an eCommerce site named on the angular framework. is a shopping site likes Flipkart.

Without Server Side Rendering?

Jhon– Hi jack flipka site is finished?

Jack – Hi, I finished the flipka site, you can start sharing on social media marketing on Facebook

Jhon– Oh my god I was not able to share our products on facebook what happened?

Note: Not only affect social media and affect SEO Also. More Details Visit

Why I Started Angular Universal?

I am working on this blog from 2013 – 2020. It’s successful . Now I revert back to WordPress due to some constraints.

Angular Universal Constraints

You need to consider web hosting, in angular universal runs on node js only. Basically shared web hosting doesn’t have a facility to run node js on the server. You need to buy a separate VPS or cloud-based server for running node js. Cloud-based servers are AWS, Digital ocean, Google cloud, etc