I’m using WordPress blog example project for working in the angular universal. In frontend is using angular and backend is using WordPress

WordPress has a backend for angular .wordpress has interacted with the database and I create API. This tutor teaches a clear explanation about the project setup of angular universal.

First I set up WordPress, I provide some instructions below

  • First, download and Install the xampp

Link: Download Link

  • After Installing the xampp start the apache and mysql
  • Download WordPress from a WordPress site

Link: Download WordPress

  • After Downloading WordPress, extract the wordpress.zip file
  • I installed xampp in C: Drive in windows
  • So I extract the WordPress to the C:xampp/htdocs/angularuniversal/backendUniversal/wordpresss
  • angular universal is a project folder for setup frontend and backend, you can give any name of your choice.
  • backend universal is a project folder for extracting WordPress
  • Setup database for PHPMyAdmin
  • Go to localhost/phpmyadmin in your browser
  • create a database for WordPress, in the example, I give database name as an angular universal
  • After creating a database
  • Set up with WordPress and WordPress with the database using PHPMYadmin
  • It shows this setup in the tutorial video

Frontend Setup for Angular Universal

  • Open the Visual Studio Code
  • Open Terminal in VS Code
  • In Terminal go to folder angularuniversal
  • First Install the angular cli
  • Link: angular setup
  • command: npm install -g @angular/cli
  • After installing angular cli and then create an angular project using the command below
  • command: ng new frontenduniversal
  • frontendUniversal is an example name
  • After creating angular Project folder, go to the folder using the command below
  • command: cd frontendUniversal
  • Run serve Command for run angular
  • command : ng serve
  • Open http://localhost:4200