Why Wamp?

WamppServer is used to run PHP, MySQL, apache. PHP users are used wampp to run PHP code.

Why latest wamp is not working in windows 7 OS

Windows 7 has been ended in January 2020, it is outdated and stop updates for that and required some additional files to install the wampp server. so when seeing the error message “This Program does not support the version of windows your computer is running”. This message indicates the wampp server doesn’t support this version of windows, because upgrades to be stopped and this wampp is compatible with the latest version of windows.

Possible solutions for Installing wamp in windows 7

First Solutions, need to downgrade the wamp version 3 to wamp server 3. I tried wampserver2.5 in windows 7, it has been successfully Installed in windows7 and the second solution to be wamp alternative is xampp. xampp is good compared to wampp in windows 7 if you want you, can try the second solution. These solutions are to be suggestions for installing wampp in windows 7. The Solutions are explained below step by step.


Solutions 1

  • First Step, Download a wampserver2.5 , I give links below to download 64 and 32 bit wamp for windows 
Download 64 BIT For Windows Download 32 BIT For Windows Official Download Link
  • Download Essentials to install wampp, essential are compulsory need to install wamp on your windows 7. I give links below to download the essentials

Essential 1 : Download Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4


Essential 2: Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package

Download 32 Bit Download 64 Bit

Installation Video For Understanding

Wampp Installation Tutotrial

Solution 2:

Try wampp alternative xampp to support up to PHP 7.

Xampp Installation Video